Time Traveller
Singer of the Stars


What is the Spiral Path?

a black and white photograph of a fossilized spiral shell

Time doesn’t move in a linear fashion, or even a strictly cyclical one. Rather, it spirals outward from its point of origin, ascending and descending in rippling waves of interdependent reflection and response. Everything is connected in constant collaboration, including you. The planets are as much a part of the whole as life on Earth.

I work with time and with the planets, but I’m not an astrologer. Consult with me to step back and take a look at your current place in the web of time and where you’d like to go. Meet the different parts of your being that can help you get there. Strategize and collaborate with them to build the world you’ve always dreamed of living in.

Weave Upon The Web

The goal of my practice is to help you build intimacy with time and reciprocity with the web of life, so that you can participate as an informed and respectful collaborator in this great moment of crisis and emergence.

If you’d like to consciously align with the stories unfolding in your timeline(s), book a consultation!

“Cy’s reading was profound. Their interpretation of my chart helped me to better understand myself, my context, and even aspects of myself that weren’t on my radar. I left feeling inspired, more compassionate for myself and grateful for their generous insight.”

—Siloh R.