The Spiral Path

Why Time Travel?

Because linearity is boring.

Because you have too many personalities for one timeline.

Because you’re ready to try again.

Because it’s a great escape.

Because you can see where this is going.

Because it’s not too late.

Because we all could use a second chance.

Because you can.

Join the Spiral Path

Join the Spiral Path ⋆

I want you to imagine a library.

Each book in this library tells the story of one life, one set of decisions, one way things could all play out.
This library holds infinite books for the infinite timelines that could be. 

Some patrons sit and read their books quietly, engrossed in the story.

Some hop around exchanging beginnings, middles and ends to create a story that suits their taste. 

Some tear out pages and collage them on the walls, building intricate cut-ups woven together with red string. 

Some scribble notes in the margins, redacting whole sections and starting again. 

Some burn their pages, find a blank book and write their own.

None of these approaches to the library is right or wrong, better or worse than any other.

Each of us gets handed a book when we’re born. Some of us can work with what we get and some of us need to take authorship into our own hands. That’s just fate.

The Spiral Path is for those of us who need a way out.

sideways view of library shelves lit by hanging vintage lightbulbs
brightly colored three-dimensional spiderweb on green background

Now, instead of a book I want you to picture a web.

This web stretches infinitely in all directions, holding all of the possible paths you could take through your life...

This web, this field of interdependence, of cause and effect, is a terrain you live within and navigate using your agency, guided by your will.

But it’s also changing. Not all paths are available at all moments. And it’s not just based on where you are. Strands appear and fall away. Areas of the web become slippery, foggy, hot or cold, or they crack and crumble beneath your feet.

In other words, time is a factor.

Not just in the sense that you have to do A before you can do B and C, but in the sense that sometimes, A leads straight to D because B and C are buried under a snowdrift.

In this web, you get to choose your own adventure: do you wait till spring or start digging?

greyscale image of a three-dimensional spiderweb
wide image of a peaceful cabin in the snow

The Spiral Path is…

A yearlong scouting adventure through time.

A container for making devotional creative work.

An exercise in temporal cartography.

A nonlinear initiation for aspiring time travelers.

A radical exploration of being-in-time.

A new/old way of looking at the Zodiac.

A rescue mission to steal astrology back from neoliberal self-improvement.

Build a devotional creative practice

Get monthly prompts and inspiration for working with the shifting fabric of time via art, ritual or both.

Map the temporal landscape

Create your own map of time and use it to build relationships with the spirits of time and navigate their terrain.

Deepen your relationship with the Zodiac

Learn to approach moments in time as sentient beings. Introduce yourself to them, make friends and initiate a meaningful collaboration.

Attune to the cosmic clock

Separate yourself from mechanized time and re-tune your body to its own time, the time held in the earth and stars.

Explore the web of interdependence

Develop animist consciousness with regards to both space and time, and begin to understand the web of cause and effect as a living ecosystem with desires and agency.

Ready to Join?

headshot of Cynthia Orpheus Day wearing a white shirt, black leather fanny pack and high-vis green beanie sitting against a stone wall

Who am I?

My name is Cynthia Orpheus Day, but my friends call me Dithy. I’m an astrologer, time traveler and Orphic devotee.

My path has included teachings from Poetry, Art, Feminism, Anarchism, Queer Culture, Sex Work, Madness, Leather, Vagabondage, 12-Step, Punk/DIY Culture, the Ocean, the Prairie and the Forest.

I’m a devotional singer, sound healer, grief worker and High Priestess of Artemis, Hekate, Ariadne & Dionysos.

The Spiral Path began for me in 2021 when I took a class on the Orphic Hymns taught by members of the Starry Crown tradition.

At the start of the year-long intensive, I committed to writing devotional hymns to the signs of the Zodiac as the Sun cycled through them.

These hymns revealed to me, bit by bit, the foundational structure of time itself.

The following year, I began sharing what I’d learned with a small group of fellow Orphics and now, in my fourth (Cancerian) year of this lifelong initiation, I am ready to share this work publicly.

A Few Things About The Spiral Path:

Yes, it takes a whole fucking year.

We are not just transmitting information in this class. We are recalibrating ourselves to the cycle of the Zodiac. We spend an entire solar cycle, paying close attention to the interweaving of the Sun and Moon, in order to build personal relationships with each phase, or sign, in their direct and indirect reflections. This is the foundational process, from emergence through self-actualization to dissolution and back again, that comprises the structure of time itself. By the end of the year, you will achieve a level of intimacy with time that enables you to work with the seasons of your own life intuitively, based on the map that you have drawn and internalized for yourself. 

You will learn things about astrology, but this is not an astrology class.

No matter how much you already know — or don’t know — about the signs of the Zodiac, they will reveal themselves to you more deeply in this process. It might help to have a basic understanding of how astrology works before we begin, but it’s ok if you don’t — we’ll cover what you need and answer questions as we go. The point of this class is not to produce more consulting astrologers, or even astrological magicians. The point is to help you re-member an experience of time that already lives in your bones, and to attune you to its natural flow in your life and your unique place within it. 

This year-long container is just the beginning.

As long as you engage it, your relationship with The Spiral Path will continue to deepen, year after year, cycle after cycle, throughout your life. It doesn’t end because it’s not linear. You may move in and out of resonance with The Spiral Path over time, and that is also part of it. The Spiral Path is not something that I teach you, and then you’ve learned it. There is no threshold of initiation. It’s a mystery that we explore together in this container, and individually beyond it.

This work is intense, somatic and very powerful.

Most of us are used to receiving information and understanding with the mind. That’s not what we’re doing here. Building relationship with time is an active process, and you will be encouraged to ritualize each season in your own way, either through a creative practice, devotional offering or a simple prayer. If you approach this work with whole-hearted devotion, it will change your life. 

What You Will Get:

  • Biweekly New and Full Moon group sessions via Zoom to check in and dive deep into each sign and axis.

  • Monthly info packets released on the New Moon with background, ritual suggestions, prayers and guided meditations to connect with each sign.

  • Quarterly one-on-one chart readings to check in directly with me.

  • Lifetime access to a community Discord server to keep in touch and share notes with others on The Spiral Path.

The Details

Join Us.

Participation in the Spiral Path costs $600 - $5,000.

Monthly or quarterly payment plans are available.

If this is not accessible to you but you still wish to participate,
please reach out! We can discuss alternatives
during your interview process.

Because of the nature of this work, the enrollment process is individualized to ensure readiness and a good fit. I prefer a smaller group of devoted participants.

If you think The Spiral Path might be for you, please CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE AN INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEW.